The Farm

Bee Story
Success for us is about helping others. It is about sharing what we know to those who are keen to learn
We believe in Family, Social Responsibility and Ecological Sustainability, these are a priority for us. We continue to improve the way that both the farm and the hotel work as we delve deeper into ways that we can improve the local environment
Let us take you to a thirty-minute walk around the farm, where we started, some of the unique areas to the business and where we are headed

We introduce and teach our staff different livelihood activities they can pursue in tandem with farming. We highly value the principle of giving back to our communities, and to society, in general, the benefits we get from them
After all, our one true gift to ourselves, and ultimately to others, lies not in what we have accumulated for our own, but how much of it we shared with them
Furthermore, we ardently support an agricultural development that leads to healthier soils and diverse agricultural ecosystems, conditions that help promote a better environment. One that we hope would be populated by happier and healthier people

In our commitment to support different livelihood programs, we resolve to concoct our own, instead of bringing in finished products from suppliers. Consequently, our production area is made available for putting together natural ingredients into organic and hearty products we showcase at our Buzzz Shop
See how our staff turn home-grown herbs into a delectable sandwich spread in a jar, or into an insect repellent spray, or a beeswax into a lip balm, or a grass into a healthy drink

Everything we do at Bohol Bee Farm is geared towards encouraging and inspiring our farmers to practice organic farming. They don’t need to spend for costly conventional fertilizers, nor use harmful pesticides on their farms. Basic composting and companion planting are alternatives we offer in their stead
Get to know some herbs, edible flowers, and vegetables and you will be surprised with their health benefits and other uses